Upcoming Events
Young Adult Retreat 2018 Registration
The Young Adult Retreat will take place at the Buddhist Study Center on June 23-24, 2018. Please join us for a weekend filled with fun team bonding games, cultural activities, karaoke, guest speakers, and to learn more about Buddhism while making new friends!
Download the registration form here:
Past Events
Recurring event titles are highlighted in blue, so be sure to look out for these events every year!

Monthly - Director's Night/Movie Night Every month, the BSCFC gathers to watch a movie together. Past movie nights have featured films such as Logan, Spiderman Homecoming and Baby Driver. For the future, we are planning to watch Train to Busan, Wonder Woman, and many more!

November 4-5, 2017 - Extra Life
Extra Life is an event that the BSCFC fundraises for every year, and participates in through playing board games for 24 hours straight! All proceeds from Extra Life's 24-Hour fundraising and gaming marathon go to support Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, which is the Kapiolani Hospital here in Hawai'i!

December 3, 2017 - End of the Year Party As it is a tradition every year, the BSCFC held an end of the year party to celebrate all the graduations, birthdays, weddings, newborn babies, and holidays we missed in 2017! This party featured the movie Baby Driver as well as the delicious cake pictured to the right. Oh, and plenty of food, of course!
October 20-21, 2017 - BSCFC Haunted House: Memoirs of the Deranged
Every year, the BSCFC puts together a haunted house. This past October, members presented a forest within which everything is not what it seemed to be. Unexpected twists awaited visitors behind every corner, with chilling spin-offs on fairytale characters like Red Riding Hood, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty. A scavenger hunt element was also added to this haunted house, making it a unique experience for all visitors.

October 4, 2017 - Bowling Day
As a fun activity for the month of October, the BSCFC went to Aiea Bowl for some bowling! Everyone was able to enjoy some friendly competition and a good time all around.
July 16, 2017 - Game Night XLVI
Members of the BSCFC often get together to play various board games at the BSC. Members are able to enjoy food and fun at the various game nights. Game Night XLVI involved the social-deduction game One Night Alien, putting members' analytical skills to the test!

June 24, 2017 - Go Kart
For a bit of fun in the month of June, the BSCFC decided to go to K1 Speedway. Everyone was able to compete against each other in go kart racing, followed by a hearty lunch at Chilli's!
April 14-16, 2017 - YESS (Young Enthusiastic Shinshu Seekers) Camp
YESS Camp is a camp held every Spring for any youth ages 13-23 who are interested in Buddhism and growing deeper in the Dharma. Members of the BSCFC often help out at YESS Camp by volunteering as camp counselors to facilitate growth and learning amongst the youth that attend. For more information on YESS Camp, feel free to check out their website at: https://yesscamp.wixsite.com/yesscamp

March 31, 2017 - Ward Unlocked Escape Room
Before the Ward Unlocked Escape Room closed down, the BSCFC went to put their puzzle-solving skills to the test! They were able to escape just minutes before the buzzer. Go BSCFC!